

ESTD.IN 1908

Registered under the Societies Act XXI of 1860 in 1917. WWW.TNAIONLINE.ORG

Incorporated in it : Student Nurses' Association, Health Visitors League and Midwives and Auxilliary Nurse-Midwives' Association Affiliated to : Commonwealth Nurses' Federation

Activities of SNA

 Number of activities are assigned to the SNAI members at all levels to achieve the objectives of the association. The professional, educational, social, cultural and recreational activities are arranged to strengthen their curricular and co-curricular components at the Unit, State and National level. Organizing conferences and meetings at all levels is one of the important activities which provide a forum for the members to discuss and find solutions for various problems faced by the students.

a)  Organization of Conferences and Meetings: At the TNAI Conference student representatives i.e Vice-President and the Secretary of the State Branch from each State are invited to attend the SNA General Committee meeting every year.



b)   Maintenance of SNA Dairy: The SNA Diary was instituted in 1939. This is the biennial record book drawn up for the use of the unit secretaries. There are assessed by the State SNA Advisors annually and the 2 best diaries from each State are then sent to the National SNA Advisor for Biennial evaluation and awards.  These diaries are assessed for professional, educational, extracurricular social, cultural and recreational activities.


c)   Exhibition of Posters : 

All categories of Student Nurses are eligible to participate in exhibitions, both as groups and as an individual. They can prepare charts, posters on the topics announced in the TNAI Bulletin and NJI.  The Posters are competed at the state level, and after thorough scrutinization, only one best entry at the state level under each category and section is entertained at the national level. 


 d)   Public speaking and writing : 

Public speaking and writing is encouraged to increase self-confidence and to help them develop communication skills. In order to achieve this, the competition on Scientific Paper Presentations related to the theme of the Conference is being organized.  The Scientific Papers presented by many students are scrutinized at State level.  Only one Scientific Paper on each Sub-theme of the conference was sent to the national level for final evaluation.  The best three Scientific Papers, one on each of the sub-themes are selected at the national level.

 e) Project

The students undertake community projects such as school health projects, health surveys, nutrition surveys, medical camps, immunization programs, health mela are also undertaken by the student nurses.  In addition, fund raising activities are also recommended and encouraged.

 f) Advocacy of Nursing Profession:

To acquaint the General public with the nursing profession, general public is invited to the celebrations and festive of professional and non professional nature, such as Nurses week, WHO day, lamp lighting, Graduation ceremonies, Sports, Tournaments, TV shows and Radio talks which are organized by nurses.

 g) Fund Raising:

Fund raising is an important and necessary activity of SNA done by getting voluntary donations, sale of donation tickets and organizing variety entertainment activities to raise the fund raising.

 h)      Socio-cultural & recreational activities: 

The association believes that the professional development remains incomplete without this component. Dynamism and energy of present youth who enter the nursing profession is channelized constructively into fine arts, dramas, and different varieties of dances, music, paintings, and other competitive activities. Sports and game are becoming extremely popular and competitions are held at unit level, state level and at the national level.

In addition, there are numerous other activities in the shape of article writing, poetry writing, flower arrangement, cooking, sewing, interior decoration and gardening etc. are also encouraged. The personality contest Mr. SNA and Miss SNA was introduced for the first time in the SNA Platinum Jubilee and XXI Biennial conference.


i) Program for ANM Students

Since 2006 a separate session has been organized for ANM students during SNA Biennial conference and this provides an opportunity to discuss the problems and issues of ANM and to resolve them.


Copyright : The Trained Nurses' Association of India